BlueArk Entremont
Who is BlueArk Entremont for?
BlueArk Entremont’s raison d’être is to get SMEs, start-ups, research institutes and public authorities talking to each other and working together. It also works to raise awareness among local and regional stakeholders of the issues facing water management and climate change.
BlueArk Entremont is thus for both public authorities and/or technical services departments facing today’s water management challenges and for economic stakeholders and citizens looking to meet these challenges and work together to develop innovative solutions.

BlueArk Entremont
What is BlueArk Entremont?
BlueArk Entremont is an innovation hub for technology and an in-situ data laboratory based in Le Châble (Canton of Valais, Switzerland). Established in 2018, it specialises in natural resource management with a particular focus on smart water management and digitalisation.
By offering an extensive range of services, applicable to both lowland areas and the Alpine arc, it accelerates the emergence and development of practical, innovative and profitable solutions that meet the challenges of climate change, particularly in the field of water management.

BlueArk Entremont
Who are BlueArk Entremont?
BlueArk Entremont was set up by the municipalities of Val de Bagnes, Sembrancher and Bovernier, in collaboration with The Ark, the foundation for innovation in Valais. As such, it is one link in the network created by Valais’ technology ecosystem, which subscribes to the philosophy of innovation that the Canton of Valais has been pursuing since 2004 in association with The Ark.
The municipalities of Orsières, Liddes and Bourg-Saint-Pierre joined BlueArk Entremont in 2021.
BlueArk Entremont offers specific services tailored to
public authorities
SMEs, start-ups and entrepreneurs
• Resolving challenges facing water and natural resource management and digitalisation
Treating waste water, optimising irrigation, managing accumulated snow, monitoring water courses, managing competing demands for water in your area, computerising maintenance tools, using connected sensors, managing data?
BlueArk Entremont will help you find practical solutions to your day-to-day challenges. Contact us and tell us what you need!
• Setting up projects and market studies
With its extensive skills network, BlueArk Entremont is able to bring together economic and public stakeholders to construct innovative projects while incorporating the development of new technological solutions and a full analysis of the project’s economic feasibility. We can provide specific tailored coaching to ensure convincing results – fast.
Hosting start-ups and fledgling projects
In the municipality of Val de Bagnes and in Le Châble in particular, BlueArk Entremont has the means to provide premises for project groups and start-ups in need of a stimulating and enriching microcosm or for academic institutions requiring access to water systems. The idea is to enable these organisations to benefit from nearby installations (dams, reservoirs, waste water treatment plants, snow guns, sensors, supply networks, etc.) and from a local service provider keen to innovate to test and validate solutions under real-life conditions.
• Turnkey testing in the field, with an initial customer
For start-ups and growing businesses keen to try out their water and climate change solutions under real-life conditions, BlueArk Entremont can provide access to certain infrastructures run by the municipalities of Entremont. ALTIS Groupe SA, in its capacity as local water and energy services company, is willing to serve as a potential initial customer for trialling innovations under development.
IoT platform – Providing access to data
In today’s increasingly digital world, the key to resolving everyday challenges often lies in the collection and analysis of data. BlueArk Entremont has the means to provide its partners with access to regional data and data on the water systems of Entremont. This data can then be used by concept and solution originators to compare it with the data they collect on the ground or for developing applications.
• Connecting and networking specialists
By regularly organising conferences and meetings, BlueArk Entremont enables interested parties to network and create synergies on a great many levels. Through the contacts it has made over several years, BlueArk Entremont is able to call on national and international experts.
BlueArk Entremont SA
Place de Curala 5
1934 Le Châble