Monitoring the flow rate of bisse irrigation channels
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The Valais’ bisse irrigation channels are part of its cultural heritage. In recent decades, the bisses, which have footpaths running alongside them, have become an increasingly important tourism asset for the canton. Conscious of the importance of the bisses to agriculture, nature, the landscape and tourism, the public authorities and local consortage irrigation management communities have restored them and now keep them maintained and in good working order.
The aim of this bisse flow rate monitoring project is to use an innovative monitoring method to reduce manpower requirements and anticipate problems such as overflows and landslips. To this end, an automation solution is currently under consideration.
Introducing a continuous flow-rate monitoring system would considerably improve the detection of anomalies and warn operational staff of the need for immediate intervention or preventive action.
Project update
Recording of the second Water and Innovation Workshop (in French) organised by BlueArk Entremont. This workshop reviewed the results of the challenge submitted as part of BlueArk Challenge 2020 to find a digital solution for monitoring the flow rate of bisses. This webinar compared the candidate solutions and provided an overview of this innovative collaborative project.
Hosted by Guillaume von Roten, BlueArk Entremont.
Who is working on this project now?

BlueArk Entremont SA
Place de Curala 5
1934 Le Châble