A unique innovation hub dedicated to innovation in the field of water and natural resources management.
Are you looking for an initial pilot customer to trial your water management solution?
Do you need reliable real datato test your hypotheses?
Are you looking for industrial or technology partners?
Are you in urgent need of investors?
An environment in which to carry out field experiments ?
Maybe a practical solution to one of your day-to-day challenges ?
Or perhaps proactive assistance and support with your water management project ?
The BlueArk Entremont Innovation Hub can help you meet these challenges.
Calling all SMEs, manufacturers, start-ups, engineering firms and public authorities:
News & events

The BlueArk Challenge rewards four innovative and sustainable projects

Four innovative solutions rewarded by the BlueArk Challenge

BlueArk Challenge: fostering innovation in water management
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BlueArk Entremont SA
Place de Curala 5
1934 Le Châble