mars 2024

European Commission adopts new measures to enhance the EU's water resilience

European Commission adopts new measures to enhance the EU’s water resilience

The Commission adopted two new measures to enhance the EU’s water resilience and to improve water quality and quantity throughout the continent. They include a standard methodology to measure the presence of microplastics in water and a delegated act to ensure that reusing treated wastewater for agricultural irrigation is safe. Across the EU, many different …

European Commission adopts new measures to enhance the EU’s water resilience Lire la suite »

Key advance toward removing common herbicide from groundwater

Scientists led by an Oregon State University chemistry researcher are closing in on a new tool for tackling the global problem of weedkiller-tainted groundwater. Kyriakos Stylianou of the OSU College of Science led an international team that identified a material known as a metal-organic framework, or MOF, that showed an ability to completely remove, and …

Key advance toward removing common herbicide from groundwater Lire la suite »

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