BlueArk Challenge

Your application form

Please describe your project briefly using the points below. This will enable us to assess the admissibility of your application. If your application is accepted, you will be invited to present your solution to our selection committee, which will decide on the next stage of the project.

Your contact information

First name and surname (contact person)(Required)

Project description

What is the level of maturity of your project/solution (Technology Readiness Level – TRL)?(Required)

Please note that the BlueArk Challenge is primarily aimed at projects with a TRL 4 to 7.

Pilot testing and access to infrastructures

You will have access to the water services provider’s (ALTIS) infrastructures for carrying out your tests on site. Please provide us with some further details:
Max. file size: 300 MB.

Questions ?

If you have any questions about the application process, the context, or any other subject related to the BlueArk Challenge,
please contact us immediately at the following address :

Votre personne de contact

Anyssia Bovier

058 332 21 20


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