
CISA, EPA release cyber incident response guide for water sector

CISA, EPA release cyber incident response guide for water sector

The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) announced that it has published a cyber incident response guide for waste and wastewater systems . The Water and Wastewater Sector Incident Response Guide is developed in collaboration with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), U.S. EPA. And over 25 water and wastewater sector partners. It provides best …

CISA, EPA release cyber incident response guide for water sector Lire la suite »

“When communicating about water, striking the balance is essential”

“When communicating about water, striking the balance is essential”

Water Europe is an advocate and champion for innovation and research in water-related activities within Europe. To learn a bit more about what role communication plays within the organization, we had the chance to speak with Maria Mirachtsi, Communications Manager at Water Europe . How do you think communication in the water sector has evolved …

“When communicating about water, striking the balance is essential” Lire la suite »

L’Oréal fait l’acquisition de la start-up de micronisation de l’eau Gjosa

L’Oréal fait l’acquisition de la start-up de micronisation de l’eau Gjosa

L’Oréal fait l’acquisition de la start-up de micronisation de l’eau Gjosa L’Oréal a annoncé la signature d’un accord pour l’acquisition de la totalité du capital de Gjosa , une société suisse pionnière dans le développement de la technologie de micronisation de l’eau. L’Oréal s’est déjà associé à Gjosa pour lancer le pommeau de douche L’Oréal …

L’Oréal fait l’acquisition de la start-up de micronisation de l’eau Gjosa Lire la suite »

Why innovation is crucial to successful, sustainable water management

Why innovation is crucial to successful, sustainable water management

Ofwat’s Innovation Fund sets out to encourage, and engage the community in sustainable water management. Water companies provide drinking water and wastewater services to over 50 million people in England and Wales, with a sewage network that could wrap around the world 13 times. As the population increases and places growing demand on already ageing …

Why innovation is crucial to successful, sustainable water management Lire la suite »

Decoding Digital Water: Where Are We Now?

Decoding Digital Water: Where Are We Now?

Just a few years back, phrases like ‘Digital Water’ or ‘Digital Transformation’ began making their way into conversations within the water industry. In the last decade, terms like ‘Digital Water’ and ‘Digital Transformation’ have gained traction in the water industry. Prior to that, ‘Smart Water’ was the buzzword, and before that, it was ‘Water 4.0’ …

Decoding Digital Water: Where Are We Now? Lire la suite »

Partenariat enrichissant pour la recherche et la pratique

Tournant énergétique, changement climatique, biodiversité et raréfaction des ressources : les défis de notre époque sont complexes et le temps presse. Il s’agit donc d’unir les forces et de collaborer encore davantage. C’est l’objectif des quatre instituts de recherche du Domaine des EPF : Empa, Eawag, WSL et PSI (Institut Paul Scherrer). Grâce à des …

Partenariat enrichissant pour la recherche et la pratique Lire la suite »

New Water Innovation Europe 2023 report highlights need for a European Water-Smart strategy

Water Europe released on Thursday its policy report on the conference Water Innovation Europe 2023, ‘EU Water Policy – What’s next?’, which concluded in June, bringing together over 180 participants from around Europe. The report discusses the need for a European Water-Smart strategy , emphasizing the importance of water as a vital resource. It highlights …

New Water Innovation Europe 2023 report highlights need for a European Water-Smart strategy Lire la suite »

Water pollution, carbon emissions and biodiversity threats set to be tackled by satellite data services

Work is about to start on a series of innovative climate services that use the unique vantage point of space to provide businesses and other organisations with information about environmental risks and how to mitigate them. Ten new projects will use Earth observation tools, satellite tracking and data on population demographics, supported by Artificial Intelligence …

Water pollution, carbon emissions and biodiversity threats set to be tackled by satellite data services Lire la suite »

Investir dans des entreprises du secteur de l’or bleu

Investir dans des entreprises du secteur de l’or bleu

Environ deux milliards de personnes dans le monde n’ont pas accès à l’eau potable. De plus, 3,6 milliards de personnes ne disposent d’aucunes installations sanitaires et de nombreux écosystèmes marins risquent d’être détruits prochainement. Pour ne citer que cela, au cours des 300 dernières années, plus de 85% des zones humides de la planète ont …

Investir dans des entreprises du secteur de l’or bleu Lire la suite »

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