
New fund aims to accelerate innovation in water

Non-profit organisation Imagine H20 has launched a new fund to help entrepreneurs access the resources, finance and people they need to accelerate the development of water and climate solutions. What makes the fund unique? The Water Innovation Pilot Fund is a ‘special purpose vehicle’ backed by Imagine H20’s accelerator programs and supported by The Coca-Cola …

New fund aims to accelerate innovation in water Lire la suite »

Intelligence artificielle : qu’apporte-t-elle au monde de l’eau ?

Après l’industrie, le monde de l’eau voit apparaître des outils numériques avancés exploitant les données des installations pour faire des prévisions, optimiser les procédés, rechercher la performance… Moyennant le respect de quelques conditions de base, les exploitants peuvent en tirer des bénéfices certains. Au-delà des classiques supervisions, le monde de l’eau voit aujourd’hui arriver des …

Intelligence artificielle : qu’apporte-t-elle au monde de l’eau ? Lire la suite »

The Path To Innovation In Water: How New Technology Companies Inspire Progress

What drives the water and wastewater sector to new frontiers of innovation and capability? While we certainly modernize as technology advances in general, it’s also true that, historically, ours is an industry that is slow to adopt the newest technologies relative to other markets. This is understandable, considering that water managers, especially drinking water suppliers, …

The Path To Innovation In Water: How New Technology Companies Inspire Progress Lire la suite »

SUEZ and first climate announce biochar carbon removal contract with Microsoft at Viva Technology

Today, at the VivaTech event in Paris, industrial biochar producer Carbonity and carbon asset manager First Climate have announced the signing of a forward contract with Microsoft regarding the delivery of carbon dioxide removal credits . The contract is set for a volume of 36,000 tons of carbon credits to be issued and delivered within …

SUEZ and first climate announce biochar carbon removal contract with Microsoft at Viva Technology Lire la suite »

Adaptation des changements climatiques – e-learning pour les communes

Quel est l’impact du changement climatique sur les communes ? Comment les communes peuvent-elles s’y adapter ? Cette offre gratuite d’e-learning transmet des connaissances spécialisées et présente des mesures d’adaptation concrètes à l’aide de trois exemples pratiques (vidéos). Le cours a été développé sur mandat de SuisseEnergie en collaboration avec l’OFEV. https://forumenergie.ch/e-learning/adaption-aux-changements-climatiques Cliquez ici pour …

Adaptation des changements climatiques – e-learning pour les communes Lire la suite »

Protecting Our Planet Daily: Water And Wastewater Technologies At The Forefront Of Sustainability

In recognition of Earth Day, Water Online spoke with Teresa Ortigosa, Global Sustainability Director at Veolia Water Technologies and Solutions, on environmental issues that are particularly relevant to water and wastewater management. Teresa is responsible for developing and implementing the company’s sustainability strategy, leading and overseeing its progress on sustainability, and providing cross-functional support to …

Protecting Our Planet Daily: Water And Wastewater Technologies At The Forefront Of Sustainability Lire la suite »

Standoff in investments and potential renationalization of Thames Water

In early April, Thames Water’s parent company Kemble sent a formal notice to shareholders to announce that it had defaulted on its debt payments on a € 468 million bond. Thames Water has been experiencing financial difficulties for some time, and British regulator OFWAT has been working with the utility in recent months to develop …

Standoff in investments and potential renationalization of Thames Water Lire la suite »

2024 World Water Development Report dedicated to Water for Prosperity and Peace

World Water Day – explores water’s capacity to unite people and serve as a tool for peace, sustainable development, climate action and regional integration. In his foreword to the 2024 report, UN Water Chair Alvaro Lario stated that water, when managed sustainably and equitably, can be a source of peace and prosperity. The report explicitly …

2024 World Water Development Report dedicated to Water for Prosperity and Peace Lire la suite »

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