
Oxyle und Waterleau spannen für sauberes Wasser zusammen

Oxyle und Waterleau führen ihre weltweiten Bemühungen zur Bekämpfung von Mikroverunreinigungen in Wasserressourcen zusammen. Dazu wurde ein Memorandum of Understanding unterzeichnet. Das Start-up Oxyle von CEO und Mitgründerin Fajer Mushtaq ist spezialisiert auf die Beseitigung hochproblematischer Chemikalien. Das auf Wasserreinigung spezialisierte Start-up Oxyle in Schlieren spannt mit dem Wassertechnologieunternehmen Waterleau im belgischen Wespelaar im Kampf …

Oxyle und Waterleau spannen für sauberes Wasser zusammen Weiterlesen »

Mit Normen den Technologietransfer gestalten

Die Schweizerische Normen-Vereinigung (SNV) ist das nationale unabhängige Kompetenzzentrum für die Normung in der Schweiz und zuständig für das Schweizer Normenwerk mit etwa 27 000 Normen. Sie fördert die Entwicklung und Harmonisierung von Normen und ermöglicht über 2000 Schweizer Fachleuten aktiv am nationalen und internationalen Normungsprozess teilzunehmen. Nicht nur erleichtern Normen den Wirtschaftsakteuren den Zugang …

Mit Normen den Technologietransfer gestalten Weiterlesen »

The Path To Innovation In Water: How New Technology Companies Inspire Progress

What drives the water and wastewater sector to new frontiers of innovation and capability? While we certainly modernize as technology advances in general, it’s also true that, historically, ours is an industry that is slow to adopt the newest technologies relative to other markets. This is understandable, considering that water managers, especially drinking water suppliers, …

The Path To Innovation In Water: How New Technology Companies Inspire Progress Weiterlesen »

Purpose-built plant will recover phosphorous from sewage sludge

Gelsenwasser AG and EasyMining will establish the world’s first phosphorous recovery plant that utilises Ash2Phos technology. The plant will recover phosphorous from sewage sludge ash at the plant, which is scheduled to begin operations in 2027. Using sludge to create a sustainable phosphorous source The two companies were among the founding members of the Sauberer …

Purpose-built plant will recover phosphorous from sewage sludge Weiterlesen »

SUEZ and first climate announce biochar carbon removal contract with Microsoft at Viva Technology

Today, at the VivaTech event in Paris, industrial biochar producer Carbonity and carbon asset manager First Climate have announced the signing of a forward contract with Microsoft regarding the delivery of carbon dioxide removal credits . The contract is set for a volume of 36,000 tons of carbon credits to be issued and delivered within …

SUEZ and first climate announce biochar carbon removal contract with Microsoft at Viva Technology Weiterlesen »

E-Learning Kurs Anpassung

E-Learning-Kurs «Anpassung an den Klimawandel» in den Gemeinden E-Learning Kurs Welchen Einfluss hat der Klimawandel auf Gemeinden? Wie können sich Gemeinden darauf einstellen? In diesem kostenlosen E-Learning-Angebot wird Fachwissen vermittelt sowie anhand von drei Praxisbeispielen (Videos) konkrete Anpassungsmassnahmen vorgestellt. Der Kurs wurde im Auftrag von EnergieSchweiz in Zusammenarbeit mit dem BAFU entwickelt. Cliquez ici …

E-Learning Kurs Anpassung Weiterlesen »

Protecting Our Planet Daily: Water And Wastewater Technologies At The Forefront Of Sustainability

In recognition of Earth Day, Water Online spoke with Teresa Ortigosa, Global Sustainability Director at Veolia Water Technologies and Solutions, on environmental issues that are particularly relevant to water and wastewater management. Teresa is responsible for developing and implementing the company’s sustainability strategy, leading and overseeing its progress on sustainability, and providing cross-functional support to …

Protecting Our Planet Daily: Water And Wastewater Technologies At The Forefront Of Sustainability Weiterlesen »

Standoff in investments and potential renationalization of Thames Water

In early April, Thames Water’s parent company Kemble sent a formal notice to shareholders to announce that it had defaulted on its debt payments on a € 468 million bond. Thames Water has been experiencing financial difficulties for some time, and British regulator OFWAT has been working with the utility in recent months to develop …

Standoff in investments and potential renationalization of Thames Water Weiterlesen »

World Water Development Report dedicated to Water for Prosperity and Peace

World Water Day – explores water’s capacity to unite people and serve as a tool for peace, sustainable development, climate action and regional integration. In his foreword to the 2024 report, UN Water Chair Alvaro Lario stated that water, when managed sustainably and equitably, can be a source of peace and prosperity. The report explicitly …

World Water Development Report dedicated to Water for Prosperity and Peace Weiterlesen »

Essential guide: funding & investment for your water tech start-up

Most water tech companies will need investment at some stage in their journey from idea to realisation, to market and customer. There are various types of investment available for businesses at different stages of their journey, from the traditional seed and series funding to more modern investment routes such as crowdfunding. In this essential guide, …

Essential guide: funding & investment for your water tech start-up Weiterlesen »

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