Dezember 2023

Decoding Digital Water: Where Are We Now?

Decoding Digital Water: Where Are We Now?

Just a few years back, phrases like ‘Digital Water’ or ‘Digital Transformation’ began making their way into conversations within the water industry. In the last decade, terms like ‘Digital Water’ and ‘Digital Transformation’ have gained traction in the water industry. Prior to that, ‘Smart Water’ was the buzzword, and before that, it was ‘Water 4.0’ …

Decoding Digital Water: Where Are We Now? Weiterlesen »

Google's 'a passage of water' brings NASA's water data to life

Google’s ‚a passage of water‘ brings NASA’s water data to life

The international Surface Water and Ocean Topography (SWOT) satellite, as shown in this illustration, is the first global mission surveying Earth’s surface water. SWOT’s high-resolution data helps scientists measure how Earth’s bodies of water change over time. Credit: CNES. As part of the long-standing partnership between NASA and Google, NASA worked with Google Arts & …

Google’s ‚a passage of water‘ brings NASA’s water data to life Weiterlesen »

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