
Predictive Maintenance: AI’s Role In Securing Water Infrastructure

The reliability of water infrastructure shouldn’t be a guessing game. Public water supply in the U.S. covers millions of miles, providing billions of gallons of water every day. That leaves a lot of room for error. However, public health depends on the proper management of this vast water infrastructure. Artificial intelligence (AI) can help. AI …

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Schweizer Ansatz für moderne Abwasserbehandlung ausgezeichnet

Schweizer Ansatz für moderne Abwasserbehandlung ausgezeichnet

Ein Team aus sieben aktuellen und ehemaligen Eawag Forschenden erhält 2024 den Sandmeyer Preis der Chemischen Gesellschaft für die Entwicklung einer erweiterten Abwasserbehandlung zum Abbau von Mikroverunreinigungen mit Ozon. Das Besondere daran: Zwischen der Erforschung der Grundlagen bis zur grosstechnischen Umsetzung vergingen bloss rund 15 Jahre – das war nur möglich, weil an der Eawag …

Schweizer Ansatz für moderne Abwasserbehandlung ausgezeichnet Weiterlesen »

ETHZ: Das Wasserschloss braucht einen neuen Umgang mit Wasser

Die Alpen sind immer häufiger von Hochwasser und Trockenheit betroffen. Doch wir können etwas dagegen tun, betont Manuela Brunner: Mit Wasser sparsam wirtschaften und Schutzmassnahmen breiter denken. Die Schweiz gilt als Wasserschloss Europas – als zuverlässige Lieferantin von frischem Wasser, das selbst dann noch stetig aus alpinen Quellen fliesst, wenn es anderswo knapp wird. Dieses …

ETHZ: Das Wasserschloss braucht einen neuen Umgang mit Wasser Weiterlesen »

Decoding Digital Water: Where Are We Now?

Decoding Digital Water: Where Are We Now?

Just a few years back, phrases like ‘Digital Water’ or ‘Digital Transformation’ began making their way into conversations within the water industry. In the last decade, terms like ‘Digital Water’ and ‘Digital Transformation’ have gained traction in the water industry. Prior to that, ‘Smart Water’ was the buzzword, and before that, it was ‘Water 4.0’ …

Decoding Digital Water: Where Are We Now? Weiterlesen »

New Water Innovation Europe 2023 report highlights need for a European Water-Smart strategy

Water Europe released on Thursday its policy report on the conference Water Innovation Europe 2023, ‘EU Water Policy – What’s next?’, which concluded in June, bringing together over 180 participants from around Europe. The report discusses the need for a European Water-Smart strategy , emphasizing the importance of water as a vital resource. It highlights …

New Water Innovation Europe 2023 report highlights need for a European Water-Smart strategy Weiterlesen »

Water pollution, carbon emissions and biodiversity threats set to be tackled by satellite data services

Work is about to start on a series of innovative climate services that use the unique vantage point of space to provide businesses and other organisations with information about environmental risks and how to mitigate them. Ten new projects will use Earth observation tools, satellite tracking and data on population demographics, supported by Artificial Intelligence …

Water pollution, carbon emissions and biodiversity threats set to be tackled by satellite data services Weiterlesen »

Water Action Agenda takes shape in Stockholm flowing on from landmark conference

Water Action Agenda takes shape in Stockholm flowing on from landmark conference

The installation of a solar de-flouridation unit plant by the government of Rajasthan in Sagwada is helping Jiya, and her seven-year-old daughter, who suffer from early symptoms of fluorosis. World Water Week is taking shape from Monday in Stockholm, Sweden. This is an annual gathering of thousands of organizations and individuals – Government experts, UN …

Water Action Agenda takes shape in Stockholm flowing on from landmark conference Weiterlesen »

What Switzerland is doing to prevent disputes over water

What Switzerland is doing to prevent disputes over water

The new hydroelectric power plant in Rheinfelden – testament to a long-standing cooperation between Germany and Switzerland. Water can be a source of conflict between states, but it can also encourage cooperation. Switzerland sees water diplomacy as a long-term, incremental strategy for peace. 6 minutes Will there be wars over water in the future? Dystopias …

What Switzerland is doing to prevent disputes over water Weiterlesen »

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