
World Water Development Report 2023: the importance of cooperation and partnerships

World Water Development Report 2023: the importance of cooperation and partnerships

The United Nations World Water Development Report 2023, dedicated to the theme of partnerships and cooperation for water, was launched on the 22nd of March 2023. The report emphasises the role of cooperation, emphasising the importance of partnerships in accelerating progress towards Sustainable Development Goal 6 on water and sanitation. Although SDG6 consists of an …

World Water Development Report 2023: the importance of cooperation and partnerships Lire la suite »

Solving the water and sanitation crisis: How technology and innovation can help

Solving the water and sanitation crisis: How technology and innovation can help

An extension of the main water supply network reaches Kfar Roummane, a village in southern Lebanon. This year’s World Water Day on 22 March focuses on accelerating change to solve the water and sanitation crisis. About 2 billion people lack safe drinking water, according to UN-Water , and about 5.4 billion don’t have access to …

Solving the water and sanitation crisis: How technology and innovation can help Lire la suite »

Valais central : constitution d'une "Régionale des eaux" pour gérer optimalement la ressource

Valais central : constitution d’une « Régionale des eaux » pour gérer optimalement la ressource

Certaines communes disposent davantage d’eaux que d’autres. Face à ce constat et au risque grandissant de sécheresse, le distributeur valaisan d’énergie OIKEN veut créer une société régionale des eaux regroupant les communes qui souhaitent s’y associer. L’objectif affiché est d’assurer l’approvisionnement en eau de toute la population pour tous les usages. « Cela fait longtemps que …

Valais central : constitution d’une « Régionale des eaux » pour gérer optimalement la ressource Lire la suite »

Geographic information systems, key to efficient water management

Geographic information systems, key to efficient water management

The supply of drinking water is one of the greatest challenges currently facing a large part of the world’s regions. According to the latest data published by the UN, water losses in water distribution networks are a major concern, with Non-Revenue Water or non-billed water accounting for the supply of water to almost 200 million …

Geographic information systems, key to efficient water management Lire la suite »

Swiss aquapreneurs awarded at the World Economic Forum

Swiss aquapreneurs awarded at the World Economic Forum

UpLink, the open innovation platform of the World Economic Forum, in partnership with global conglomerate HCL Group has revealed the ten water-focused startups that will share CHF1.75 million to scale their water-based innovations. bNovate Technologies and Openversum from Switzerland are among the winners. Access to water plays a critical role in food production, education, job …

Swiss aquapreneurs awarded at the World Economic Forum Lire la suite »

Enter the WaterVerse: EU collaboration to unlock water data sharing

Enter the WaterVerse: EU collaboration to unlock water data sharing

A new collaboration uniting 10 countries across the EU is helping to make data more interoperable to connect water stakeholders for improved decision-making. Called the WATERVERSE , the project is funded by the European Union’s Horizon Europe programme with the aim to develop a Water Data Management Ecosystem (WDME). One of the ambitions is to …

Enter the WaterVerse: EU collaboration to unlock water data sharing Lire la suite »

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